Publishing consulting
I love solving the storytelling puzzles at the heart of publishing — finding the right blend of words and images, in the appropriate format, to let a story shine in a publishing solution customized for an author’s unique voice or an organization’s mission. I’ve been privileged to produce books for clients ranging from a distinguished Seattle architect to a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist to Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market.
Published November 2023: The Woman in the Room, by L. Jane Hastings
Jane Hastings was just nine years old when she declared she would become an architect. A child of Depression-era Seattle, Jane worked her way through college in the aftermath of World War II and was among the first women licensed to practice architecture in the state of Washington. Throughout her award-winning career, she designed more than 500 projects and achieved many “firsts” as a leader in the American Institute of Architects, both locally and nationally.
In her memoir, The Woman in the Room, Jane describes her journey to the top of her profession—a story of persistence, resilience, and creativity. Along the way, she embraced a life of adventure while building friendships that span nine decades and circle the globe. Read an excerpt in The Seattle Times.
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Other recent publishing highlights

Inside Pike Place Market
Client: Pike Place Preservation & Development Authority
Edited and designed an interactive book explaining the inner workings of Seattle’s historic public market. Project included extensive research and rights management of historical images in regional repositories.
An Air That Still Kills
Client: Andrew Schneider, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Project: Schneider’s investigative reporting on the nationwide asbestos crisis that started in Libby, Montana, is captured in an interactive book for Mac and iOS, as well as print and Kindle editions. Awarded “iBook of the Year” by the iBooks Author Conference.

The Pharmagellan Guides
Client: Frank S. David, founder and owner of Pharmagellan, a biotech consultancy.
Project: Designed and produced two books guiding investors through the nuances of valuing biotech clinical companies.